How Painting was started to be drawn initially?

Depiction of grace, colour, scenario of nature by attention of mind through some media is called to be painting. This narration can be done by streaks and paints on the pieces of paper and canvas. A fine artist draws painting according to his own entity and that attracts attention of others.
The cave dwellers started to draw picture initially. They began to depict skillfully on cave’s walls to express their mental analysis. At that period small paintings used to be reminded into symbols, which were the genesis of letters, words and languages.
Art Painting is to make a thing formation and appearance prominent and sketching a few streaks. Difference of every object can be expressed by art drawing some streaks, and painting is the extract of those streaks. Along with the imaginary thoughts a learner or a student should take education of painting. They should have out and out knowledge about the location, density, streak. At the time of learning, one should observe the best painting of the best painter and thus to bloom art sense. A learner painting has to take proper training from an able teacher, which animates art sense notably. Eminent artist “Rembrandt” is known as emperor of painting.
Painting is to materialize and animate the drawn streaks by dyeing some colours on it. In many cases, expression of painting can be drawn without similarity of the streaks. A painting is usually drawn by the coverlet of colours and coating of colours and perspective get co-ordinated for the same reason.
There are 2 kinds of colours –
Water Colour
Oil Colour
There need canvas, hand board and palatte for online painting.