Accessories required for Drawing and Painting

It is required for drawing any lines and shades. Pencil is the best medium of art. Pencils are of different types, e.g, HB, 2B to 6B. The higher is the number of "B" of the pencil, the deeper is the line or shade drawn by it. For drawing lighter lines and shades H, 2H and 3H numbered pencils are used. Apart from these, Charcoal, Crayon and Colour Pencils are also used for drawing. To keep any picture, drawn with pencils, intact Fixative is sprayed on it.

It is required for erasing or rubbing off the unwanted lines. Erasers are of two types, one is used for erasing pencils-marks and another is for ink-marks.

These are used to ameliorate any art or drawing. The colours used for painting are generally classified as Water Colour (in the form of tube or cake), Oil Colour, Pastel Colour, Acrylic Colour, Tempera Colour and Poster Colour.
For commercial and poster paintings, Poster Colours are used. For photo finish Fuji Colours are also used.
Acrylic Colours are used by dissolving it in water but once the picture is dried, the colour become durable. As this colour gets dried very quickly so the colouring is to be completed swiftly.

These are used for applying colour on papers and canvases. These are numbered from zero to twelve and more. Numbers denote the thickness of the brush.The higher numbered brushes are thicker than the lower numbered. The brushes can be of round shaped and flat shaped and the hair (bristles) can be soft or hard. The brushes which are having soft hairs are called Stable Haired Brushes and those which are having hard hair are called Hogs Brushes. Stable Haired Brushes are made from the fur of Stable or quill of Lark, Crow, Duck, Goose.

The paper which we use mostly, are called cartridge paper. Apart from this, several other papers like Scholar, Kent, Handmade, Hard board, Canvas Oil etc, are also used for Painting, Kent, Scholar and Handmade Papers are used as a support for the applications of Water Colour. Pastle Papers of different shades are used for Pastel Colour and Canvas Oil Papers are used for Oil Colour. It is noteworthy to say that canvas is the best support for the application of oil colour. Before applying oil colour to any canvas, the canvas cloth is to be fixed on a frame or board and then canvas coating is to be applied on it for preparing the ground (surface) of painting.

For using Water Colours, a pot for keeping water and a palatte are used.
For Oil Colours, a palatte and a pot for keeping oil are used.

Moreover, Drawing Board Clips, Board Pins and Pencil Sharpeners are also essential for drawing. Drawing Boards are available in quarter size, half size and full size.
Apart from these, Pen ink, Charcoal and Crayon Pencils are also required for the art of painting.